PeerPOV: The Pulse on Medicine

inDEPTH: HIV & Prostate Cancer Prevention

Physician's Weekly Season 2 Episode 57

Welcome to this episode of Physician’s Weekly podcast. I am your host, Dr. Rachel Giles, from Medicom Medical Publishers, in collaboration with Physician’s Weekly

Today’s episode features two interviews, with an inDEPTH look at prevention. First, we discuss primary prevention of HIV-AIDS from a community global approach, with Rachel Baggaley, MBBS, MSc, the team lead for testing, prevention, and populations in the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programs at the WHO, who has recently published papers in the Lancet HIV and BMJ.  Our second interview is with Alan Pollack, MD, PhD, Chair and Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Miami’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. He talks us through his recently published trial in the Lancet about a new intervention for secondary prevention of prostate cancer after prostatectomy.

Enjoy listening!


Additional reading

Schmidt H, et al. Lancet HIV. 2022;9(5):e363-e366.

Kennedy C, et al. BMJ Open. 2022;12(2):e054121. 

 Pollack A, et al. Lancet. 2022 May 14;399(10338):1886-1901. 

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